How To Access Your Sixth Sense

I was five months pregnant with my first child, when I couldn’t sleep and struggled to keep still in bed.  I looked at the time and it was after 11:00 PM, my husband noticed my restlessness as I stood by the window staring at the moonlit sky.  He asked “What’s wrong?” concerned that I am pregnant and if something was wrong in that regard.  The baby in the tummy was perfectly cozy; but I felt terribly bad.  My heart was heavy and I remember saying to my husband “I don’t know.  I just feel bad.  Like something really bad is about to happen.”  It took me a while to finally get to sleep and by the time I woke up, my husband had already left for work, and it was almost 9:00 AM.  Shortly after, the phone rang and it was my husband again, his voice was urgent and told me to turn on the TV.  His urgency was puzzling and as I flicked the remote on, television was abound with breaking news about the terrorist attacks on the twin towers of New York, on the morning of Tuesday, September 11.  I froze as I looked at the horrific footage which happened some 9 hours ago, in New York, around the time that I felt a terrible sense of impending doom.  As my mind raced, I sank to the chair when I realized that what I had last night was a sixth sense of pre meditated terror designed to grip the entire human race.  My husband was still on the phone as I tried to stay calm, afraid that if I let the fear take over, I would go down with the debris of the twin towers.  I whispered on the phone “This happened last night.  When I couldn’t sleep.  I felt this last night.  But I didn’t know.” Sensing my distress, he asked if I wanted him to come home, which, as I look back now, I was grateful for that. 

Two weeks before the 911 terrorist attack, I was watching the final episode of the very first American Survivor show, which I had religiously followed.  Although I was rooting for Kelly Wiglesworth, being such a kickass chick, I couldn’t deny the charisma of Richard Hatch, he seemed like he had such a gentle nature.  The final test was to answer one question pulled out of a hat, from a pool of questions collated by the tribe.  They would be voted off by members of the tribe based on their answers – a purely subjective, and highly emotive process.  Hatch pulled out his question, it said “If you were to pick a number between one and one thousand, what would it be?”  Having closely followed this show for weeks, I felt like I was there standing in the body of Hatch and I said out loud “Eight-eight-eight.”  The suspense music droned on for a long ten seconds and then he gave his answer:  “Eight hundred and eighty-eight.”  I was stunned.  I, of course, was just a plain survivor follower expressing my personal take, if I were that survivor contender.  To have connected with his thoughts, on a one in one thousand chance was a little bit breathtaking.

Some coincidences are too spine tingling to rationalise.  There are cases when people have walked away seconds from near death experiences, arguably by chance, but most likely because it wasn’t their time yet.  Sixth sense in action.  As they say, when you gotta go, you gotta go; and if you survive it is clear that you still have a purpose to fulfil. 

As life became increasingly complex and higher challenges have presented themselves, I lost my sixth sense, or so I thought.

Fast forward 15 years later, I’ve long been divorced and juggled a corporate career as a single mum, when I decided to shake my reality and re invent myself, yet again.  This time I was quenching the thirst of my real passion.  It has been whispering ever so gently like the breeze for a while, and after consistently ignoring my soft calling to seek  personal and spiritual growth, the universe began to scream and howl to catch my attention, in forms of failed relationships and cyclical self sabotage.  It became very obvious that there was something I needed to address.

So I made the decision to overhaul my life.  I left my corporate job and started a global business in the Personal Development industry, and became a student of my own business, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.  I walked the talk and practiced what I preached, because I have seen my mentors’ lives change dramatically upward, by becoming leaders in the industry and avid users of Personal Development.  The ripple effects of that decision had given me an open field of potentialities.  I have since reached heights in areas of my life where it had been desolate and depressing. 

As I look back now, I realised that my sixth sense did not leave me.  It was I who ignored it, by choosing actions and habits that were not aligned with my deep personal values.  I was young and fearful, and I don’t say that as an excuse from my follies; but rather, to create awareness for others who may be in the same boat or circumstance. 

The great thing is, no matter how lost you get, it all becomes part of the journey, which only makes you wiser and sturdier.  From such navigations through fear, naiveté and ignorance, come my lessons of awareness and deep inner connection with the soul. 

I didn’t go looking for my sixth sense, I simply went looking for who I really am, deep down in the core of my being.  From there, things unfolded naturally.  I’d like to share with you some simple tools that you can easily use and develop as a part of your spiritual makeup, and allow your sixth sense to surprise you. 

1. Convert Worry Into Reflections Of Faith –

Worry is a dark, bottomless pit.  Faith is the wide, endless field of possibilities. 

Worry is doom.  Faith is promise. 

Worry is destined for a slow and arduous death.  Faith instigates the  ripple effects of a bountiful, joyful life. 

Worry will suppress you.  Faith lifts you higher.

Worry closes down the door to sixth sense.  Faith is the direct line to sixth sense.       

I used to be a serial worrier, until I recognised how much more productive my life is, when I choose to invest my energy into reflections of faith through meditation.  For some, meditation is prayer, and for others, meditation is journaling; however it looks like for you, reflections of faith is the observance of hope and gratitude; it is both introspective and expressive.

2. Stay In The Moment – Spiritual Teacher and legendary talk show host Oprah Winfrey said that one of the reasons her talk show was undisputed number one, where she touched thousands of peoples’ lives, is because she paid attention.  She paid attention to whoever was in front of her and what they were sharing with her, instead of thinking about what to say back to them. 

When you are thinking of what your response should be, that process of thinking, no matter how short, takes you away from being in the moment.  Being In The Moment, all of the time, is the only way that you can access your sixth sense.  It will never be in the thinking or doing; but only and exclusively, when you are purely in the moment, that your sixth sense is accessible to you. 

3. Be Still, It Cannot Be Invoked – Unlike manifestation, sixth sense cannot be invoked. It is just there.  The question is, are you still enough, conscious enough, and open enough to be connected?

It is my deepest desire that together we explore the Paradigms  Of Self Love – to create a deep awareness of who you  are and what you truly stand for.  So you will discover your passion and unleash the greatness in you. 

Please share with me your sixth sense encounters and thoughts and comments below.  Namaste.